What foods and drinks should I avoid to prevent yellowing of teeth?
The reason we sell activated charcoal teeth whiteners is not because they directly whiten teeth like hydrogen peroxide products do, but because they are very good at absorbing and removing stains, returning them to their natural color. This is why it is such a popular and more natural alternative to chemical teeth whitening kits.
However, there are a number of foods and drinks that you should avoid if you wish to keep your teeth white and sparkling. These are highlighted below:
1) Coffee
Well, that one is obvious. It may wake us up in the morning, but if you have 3 cups of coffee during your lunch hour, don’t be surprised if your teeth are stained. Teeth absorb dark colors because the outer layer of teeth is very porous (in layman’s terms: spongy).
2) Curry
My favorite food in the world, I can’t imagine life without curry, but it has to be said that it often gets the thumbs down when it comes to tooth discoloration.
3) Red Wine
It is said to be the worst thing to pour on your carpet because it leaves permanent stains, and it is used in TV commercials every day. Replace these carpets with your teeth and you’ll understand why they are always singled out for their negative effects. An occasional glass of red wine isn’t so bad, but it’s important to be aware of the discoloring effects it can have.
4) Soy Sauce
A lot of people don’t know this, but this is another one that has to do with dark colors that stay on your teeth long-term. Don’t be afraid to add some to your stir-fry, but maybe think about how much you add.
5) Lemon Juice
Lemons are extremely healthy and should be a regular part of your diet (i.e. added to hot water or with food, not chewed as a snack). However, because this fruit is extremely acidic, it can seriously erode tooth enamel, which inevitably leads to discoloration.
6) Food Coloring
If food coloring can stain your food, it can stain your teeth, too. It’s commonly found in frosting and cakes, and is a common culprit for teeth.
7) Tea
We highlighted coffee, which everyone knows about, but what some people don’t know is that tea is generally considered to be more of a discoloration problem than coffee due to its higher tannin content. It should also be mentioned that green tea has another benefit.
8) Sugary Drinks
While sugary drinks are obvious, I want to add another tip: use a straw to direct the liquid across your teeth and directly into your mouth and throat without damaging your tooth enamel.
9) Balsamic Vinegar
Dark liquids again, there’s a theme here! Well, this liquid with dark pigmentation made it to this list for many of the same reasons.
10) Beetroot
If you finish eating beetroot, your mouth will be redder than if you drank half a liter of red wine! Beetroot is a no-no on dates or in public because it will make your mouth look like something out of a horror movie.
11) Cherries
Let me remind you again that this is a list of foods and drinks that will stain your teeth, but I still recommend eating and drinking them. Cherries are a berry that is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, but they are one of the worst at causing discoloration.
So if you eat or drink any of these foods, remember to drink a glass of water right away and rinse your mouth. This won’t remove all stains, maybe 50%, but it will definitely help.